Emily Zorn, MS, RD
Registered Dietitian & Health Coach
Do you want to get your nutrition right for good?
Are you confused by the constantly-changing nutrition advice you're given? If yes, you're not alone. A quick Google search for healthy eating can leave us at a loss for what to believe and where to begin. Do I try keto? Or vegan? Maybe intermittent fasting is the way to go? My science-based approach focuses on what has been proven to be healthy and leaves the rest behind.
Are you ready to find clarity and learn what healthy eating looks like for you? I take my time with each client to really get to know them before creating a plan that suits their needs. After that, you're not left alone. My goal is to support clients and empower them to make healthy changes and to stick with them for years to come.
Are you scared of never being able to eat your favorite foods again? This doesn't have to be the case! I teach clients how to feed their body what it needs, enjoy their favorite foods, and create healthy habits that last.
It's time to learn how to eat for you in a way that lasts a lifetime.

How will nutrition coaching change your life?
Learn how to feed your body what
it needs.
Find balance between healthy eating and living life.
Create lasting habits and start feeling your very best.

The best investment you can make is in your health.
Emily has been featured in outlets including: